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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
Hong Kong International School
I believe that engaging with students on a personal level, building a deep connection, and using that familiarity to strive for growth is essential. The answers will always be there - but a student's willingness or motivation to learn might not. As such, I aim to assist all students from the formulaic, memorization aspect of education to the mental fluidity and accountability that one builds through their journey. I truly emphasise the success of the students above all else, as I believe that is the most important.
Bocconi University
Through my extensive tutoring experience, I sharpened a capacity to tailor my teaching to each student. By establishing a human dimension which makes the tutoring more gratifying, I ensure ensure that my students never feel disoriented or alienated when they struggle to work through material. To that end, I use custom strategies to guarantee students grasp the reasoning behind the concepts, instead of force feeding them knowledge. I am also a firm believer in the importance of learning by doing, and I thus accompany sessions with exercises, paying attention to the methodology used by the student to work through them.
University of Toronto
My tutoring approach is centered on ensuring students feel comfortable with the language itself. Cultivating a supportive environment encourages them to practice their skills more frequently, which is key to achieving greater proficiency and understanding. I believe that when students feel at ease with the language they are studying, it comes more naturally to them, and they pick up new content faster and happier. Through patient guidance, personalized feedback, and tailored teaching strategies, I aim to not only help students pass exams with literary analysis or comprehension, but also to express themselves fluently and confidently.
Johns Hopkins University
My tutoring approach is centered on providing personalized, student-centered support. I believe each learner has unique strengths, challenges, and learning preferences, so I tailor my methods accordingly. Rather than taking a one-size-fits-all approach, I work closely with students to deeply understand their goals, assess their current knowledge and skills, and develop customized strategies to help them achieve their objectives.
Wesleyan University
My tutoring philosophy centers on the belief that each student requires unique support. Understanding a student's comfort level with academic writing and their familiarity with specific writing styles is crucial for a productive tutoring session. This may involve introducing a particular note-taking method that suits their needs or crafting prompts that mirror the crux of their assignments.
Harvard University
My tutoring approach is very personalized to each student. I work closely with individual students to identify pain points in their current studying/preparation methods and come up with solutions to help them address their needs. I enjoy having checkpoints throughout the tutoring process to ensure progress is being made and change my tutoring style accordingly.
Harvard College
My tutoring approach centers myself as a resource to the student rather than a crutch. Once I understand where the student is and what help they need in their subject, I help guide them to solutions through their own thought processes and aid with my own knowledge when they get stuck or hit a block in their understanding. Ultimately, my teaching style is different for each student and adapts to what they need best. I begin all sessions by asking the student what they need and what they are struggling with, and don't hesitate to change my teaching tactics or how I explain something if the student struggles to comprehend what I teach. My goal with tutoring is to help the student to eventually become confident in tackling their subject independently and comprehensively.
Rice University
My goal is that all my students feel like they are on the right track while challenging themselves in their academics and beyond. In any given session, I am structured and cater to my client by carving out a detailed lesson plan before hand after consulting with my student on what he/she needs. In the session, I have visual aids and stop frequently to check for questions as well as pose questions to my students to make sure they understand the content. I like to pepper my lessons with interactive activities to keep students engaged in the material. After sessions, I provide worksheets and homework for practice. This way, my students can stay involved in the content and be prepared in advance for any exams that come their way.
I believe that any subject can be interesting to all students. There is always something to be learned from a problem. I like to make sure students are understanding the core concepts of each topic, which is fun to learn if presented in a captivating manner. I have students make connections between subjects, which helps them see the bigger picture in how a topic can be applied in real life.
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- Based on your request, we will match you with your ideal tutor. You will receive comprehensive details about the tutor, including their qualifications and experience, allowing you to assess their background and make an informed decision before moving forward.
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- We'll match you with a tutor. Your first lesson comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. You’ll only pay if you decide to continue with the tutoring sessions