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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Hey there! My name is Daniel and I am a Year 3 Urban Studies major at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) with a minor in Counselling. As a graduate of the IBDP Class of 2022 and aspiring town planner, I have a strong foundation in both English and Human/Urban Geography, which I am passionate about sharing with my students. As a native Cantonese and English speaker, I am able to seamlessly form bonds and connect with both local and international students alike.
Bocconi University
I’m a third year college student at Bocconi University, majoring in economics and social sciences. I tutored for over 3 years and I love this fundamental relationship that helps all parties learn and grow. Outside of academics, I am fond of football, music and cinema.
University College London
Hi, my name is Jankin, I am a graduate from German Swiss International School and did the IB diploma for the past 2 years as well as the IGCSEs the previous 2 years. I will be attending University College London (UCL) this year. My strengths lay in Mathematics and Economics, which I am able to tutor for IB level or IGCSE level or below. I have had experience with tutoring Mathematics before and thoroughly enjoy helping students reach their highest potential. I am eager to help students achieve top grades through my notes and exercises.
Hong Kong International School
Hello! I'm Kate, a junior at HKIS. My specialty is in the humanities, but I can also help with STEM subjects. I also love the performing arts, participating in the jazz and school band as a saxophone player.
I’m a first-year undergraduate at UCLA. I graduated from the German Swiss International School, receiving a Bilingual (English-Mandarin) IB Diploma and excelling in Mathematics, Economics, and Chinese. I have developed a great passion across different disciplines, for example, architecture design, computational design, environmental science, and engineering. Outside of academics, I enjoy talking with different people, hanging out with friends, fencing, and creating new things.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! My name is Lihan, and I'm a 12th grader at Hong Kong International School. I'm passionate about psychology, economics, and government—subjects I hope to combine to explore how they intersect with real-world social issues. I'm excited to be a Stryv tutor because I love helping others succeed academically! The chance to work with students and tailor my teaching approaches to fit their individual needs is something I genuinely enjoy. I see this role as a wonderful opportunity to deepen my understanding of these subjects while positively impacting my students' educational journeys. Outside of academics, I have various interests, including figure skating, exploring different arts and crafts, and trying out new restaurants with my friends.
Bocconi University
My name is Matteo Tessaro. I am 20-year old student from Belgium, pursuing a BSc in Economics, Management, and Computer Science at Bocconi University. Before that I was at the International School of Brussels where I did the IB, scoring 42/45. My interests in hobbies include football, skiing, and cooking! Matteo
Hong Kong International School
My name is Selina. I am a junior at Hong Kong International School, and I am passionate about helping others achieve their academic goals in Chinese. I am confident that I can help students in a fun and tailored way that meets students' interests and needs.
Northeastern University
Hello! I am a freshman at Northeastern University, enrolled in the Global Scholars program, majoring in Criminal Justice and Sociology. My academic journey started at Chinese International School during grades 6-8 and transitioned to Hong Kong International School for my high school years. Throughout this time, I have developed a keen interest in the humanities, particularly philosophy, law, and sociology. I am trilingual, and fluent in English, Mandarin, and Cantonese, which has greatly enhanced my educational pursuits. In addition to my studies, I enjoy engaging in activities like wakesurfing and pilates, which provide balance and a different kind of challenge for me. I look forward to utilizing my background and interests to contribute to Stryv and help other students succeed.
Hong Kong International School
Hi, I'm Peyton! I'm a junior at the Hong Kong International School and my passions lie in mathematics, computer science, and economics. I am a math teaching assistant, a leader of my school's math club, and a tutor for the HKIS Math and Science Center. I currently have a 4.0 GPA and I've supplemented my love for learning by taking additional courses with the Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. Outside of academics, I am a Varsity basketball athlete, a dancer, and a volleyball player. Additionally, I am a writer and an avid reader, and I love listening to music.
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