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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! My name is Anthony Mang, and I’m currently a freshman at Hong Kong International School. I’m extremely passionate about tutoring, and my strongest subjects are Math, Chinese, and English. Outside of tutoring and academics, I enjoy playing volleyball, café hopping, or watching netflix series. Excited to see you soon!
West Island School
Hey! I am James, a Year 12 Student at West Island School studying the IB. I am very passionate about STEM subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and Physics - which is why I decided to come and join Stryv. However, I also really enjoy history and politics! Outside of academics, I enjoy a whole range of sports including cross country, swimming, and soccer.
German Swiss International School (GSIS)
I was born and raised in Shanghai and moved to Hong Kong when I was 7, where I continued my studies at YCIS and GSIS. I am currently studying maths, physics, computer science, chemistry alongside other subjects for IGCSE. I love to sail on the weekends, and participate in multiple orchestras, playing the clarinet.
I'm a first-year astrophysics major at UCLA, and I've had the pleasure of working with Stryv Academics for four years. I love to learn about the mysteries of the universe through math and physics; I'm a member of the UCLA Astronomical Society, and last summer, I worked at the Laboratory of Space Research at the University of Hong Kong. Outside of teaching and academics, I'm passionate about playing the guitar, film photography, and playing soccer.
German Swiss International School (GSIS)
I'm Adhit Ranjan, a Year 13 student at German Swiss International School. I've had a passion for STEM subjects and geography for a long time, and look forward to sharing that interest with others. Outside of academics, I'm a field hockey enthusiast, playing on Hong Kong's national team.
Hong Kong International School
Hi, my name is Ryan and I'm a recent HKIS graduate. I am currently taking a gap year before I head off to Fordham University. I've lived in Hong Kong for 10+ years. I enjoy playing basketball and rugby, and I intend to pursue environmental studies in college. In terms of academics, I've taken honors and AP math classes all throughout high school (Honors Geometry, Honors Advanced Algebra, Honors Precalculus, and AP Calculus), as well as a myriad of other AP classes. I am passionate about learning and I hope to help my students enjoy the learning process and excel in their academics.
Hong Kong International School
Currently a senior in high school, I am incredibly passionate about environmental science and human geography and I hope to pursue Human Geography and Sustainability at university. I am excited to teach and help others gain an understanding and enthusiasm for geography and the environment.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! My name is Laura, and I am currently a Grade 11 student studying at Hong Kong International School. I am a Portuguese immigrant who has lived in the United States, and am now a permanent resident in Hong Kong! As a passionate learner, I am involved with several clubs and extra-curricular activities to pursue areas I love. I also love to interact with my peers, admin, and be a leader in my community, so I have become a High School Ambassador for HKIS, as well as a member of the National Honor Society. I enjoy playing volleyball in my spare time, and have received the wonderful opportunity to compete abroad as a member of the Varsity Women's Volleyball Team. In addition, I am a co-leader for the HKIS Forensics Speaking Club, as well as a co-leader for the Biology Club. Having loved theatre since middle school, I am also a part of the productions throughout the year, Vice President of the International Thespian Society, as well as an Assistant Director for the Spring Musical. I look forward to working with you!
Hong Kong International School
I'm a senior at Hong Kong International School and have been tutoring for five years. I'm passionate about public speaking, humanities and the sciences, especially biology. Outside of school, I'm heavily involved in debate, forensics speaking and robotics. Through Levitate, I hope to connect with and inspire more students to pursue their academic passions!
University of Edinburgh
I'm a second-year medical student at the University of Edinburgh. I am passionate about all academic disciplines, though I primarily specialise in STEM subjects. I hope to utilise my achievements and past teaching experience to support students with their conceptual understanding while also promoting a love of learning for all!
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