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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! My name is Anthony Mang, and I’m currently a freshman at Hong Kong International School. I’m extremely passionate about tutoring, and my strongest subjects are Math, Chinese, and English. Outside of tutoring and academics, I enjoy playing volleyball, café hopping, or watching netflix series. Excited to see you soon!
West Island School
Hey! I am James, a Year 12 Student at West Island School studying the IB. I am very passionate about STEM subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Maths, and Physics - which is why I decided to come and join Stryv. However, I also really enjoy history and politics! Outside of academics, I enjoy a whole range of sports including cross country, swimming, and soccer.
German Swiss International School (GSIS)
I was born and raised in Shanghai and moved to Hong Kong when I was 7, where I continued my studies at YCIS and GSIS. I am currently studying maths, physics, computer science, chemistry alongside other subjects for IGCSE. I love to sail on the weekends, and participate in multiple orchestras, playing the clarinet.
I'm a first-year astrophysics major at UCLA, and I've had the pleasure of working with Stryv Academics for four years. I love to learn about the mysteries of the universe through math and physics; I'm a member of the UCLA Astronomical Society, and last summer, I worked at the Laboratory of Space Research at the University of Hong Kong. Outside of teaching and academics, I'm passionate about playing the guitar, film photography, and playing soccer.
German Swiss International School (GSIS)
I'm Adhit Ranjan, a Year 13 student at German Swiss International School. I've had a passion for STEM subjects and geography for a long time, and look forward to sharing that interest with others. Outside of academics, I'm a field hockey enthusiast, playing on Hong Kong's national team.
Hong Kong International School
Hi there! I'm Claire and I am a junior at HKIS, and I tutor mainly Chinese (both simplified and traditional) here at Levitate and at HKIS. Other than Chinese, I LOVE learning languages and I am currently learning Spanish and Japanese :) Some things I like are jazzy-lo fi music, watching anime, and playing Mario party with my friends.
Wesleyan University
Hi there! I'm Gaile. I am currently a sophomore at Wesleyan University, majoring in Chemistry and Earth and Environmental Sciences. I think that education should be a largely fulfilling pursuit instead of an obligation. I hope to communicate such sentiments to my tutees as I assist them with their subjects. Learning anything will inevitability present its own challenges, however I hope to work my tutees to be less intimated by such challenges, instead to feel intrigued by the unknown and find drive to learn.
Hong Kong International School
I'm a junior in Hong Kong International School, with a passion for psychology and history. Teaching English as a volunteer has sparked my interest in tutoring, and I hope to ignite the same passion within the students I teach, encouraging their academic growth and love of learning.
Hong Kong International School
Hi, I'm Alexis, a senior at HKIS with a diverse set of academic and extracurricular interests. Academically, I'm very passionate about psychology and behavioral economics, fields that explore the complexities of human behavior. At school, I'm a leader of the SOS Aquatics service club and serve as the Senator of Athletics on the school's executive council. Both of these positions allow me to combine my love of the water with my desire to be involved in the school community. When I'm not studying or tutoring, I love swimming, doing something creative, and hanging out at the beach with friends.
University of Hong Kong
I'm a second-year Economics & Finance student at the University of Hong Kong, in a dual degree program with Peking University where I will pursue Business Management. I grew up in Hong Kong but I am originally from New York. Outside of academics, I am an avid music and film enthusiast, and I also enjoy participating in case competitions and sports.
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