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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
Hong Kong International School
Hello! My name is Olive Padarin and I am a 17 year-old student at HKIS, currently in my third year of high school. I have been at HKIS for almost six years now and will graduate in May of 2026. I've previously lived in the Cayman Islands and was born in Sydney, Australia, so I love all things to do with the beach or ocean. I am an avid learner and am always stepping up to help friends and siblings with schoolwork, so I look forward to doing the same for you.
French International School of Hong Kong
Hi! I’m currently a sophomore at the French International School in Hong Kong. As a native Spanish speaker, I have a strong focus on Spanish, but I also excel in Biology, French, and Economics. At school, I co-lead the Debate Club and serve on the Youth Leadership Council for Mother's Choice charity. These roles allow me to merge my passion for public speaking with my commitment to community engagement. I'm enthusiastic about learning and aim to inspire my students to enjoy the learning process while achieving academic success.
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Hi there! I am currently an undergraduate student in Computer and Electronic Engineering at Hong Kong University of Science of Technology (HKUST), studying on a full academic merit scholarship. I have a passion for teaching and helping others succeed academically. What sets me apart is my personalized approach to learning. I believe that each student is unique, and I tailor my methods to fit your individual needs and learning style. Whether it's breaking down complex concepts or providing that extra boost of motivation, I'm here to make your learning experience enjoyable and effective. Outside of teaching, I'm an avid gamer, and I love to shop and hangout with my friends. These interests help me stay creative and balanced, which I bring into our sessions to make learning both fun and engaging. Looking forward to working together and making your learning journey a great one! 😊
Hong Kong International School
Hi there! My name is Chloe Li and I am currently a freshman at Hong Kong International School.
French International School of Hong Kong
Hello, my name is Chloe! I am a Year 11 student at the French International School of Hong Kong and am currently studying the IGCSE curriculum. I enjoy spending my time doing debate, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or scuba diving. I've grown up in Hong Kong and I am the oldest sibling so I've spent my life taking on the 'teaching role'. I sought out this opportunity as I am keen to pass my knowledge onto others. Currently I am based in Happy Valley, in the Wan Chai District.
Johns Hopkins University
I'm passionate about helping students succeed. I've been in their shoes, struggling with challenging subjects, but with the right support I was able to overcome those obstacles and develop a true love of learning. Now, I strive to be the kind of compassionate, patient, and knowledgeable guide that I wish I had.
Wesleyan University
Hi! I'm an HKIS alum and currently studying Computer Science at Wesleyan University as a third-year student and full-ride Freeman Asian Scholar. I love learning, building, and creating things, whether that be through the arts, programming, or entrepreneurship. Feel free to reach out if you want help with academics, university applications, or any personal passion projects!
Hong Kong International School
Hi! I'm Roy and I am currently a junior at Hong Kong International School. I love the humanities, especially history and psychology. Outside of school, I love to bake/cook, and I also play the drums!
Hong Kong International School
I am a 12th-grade student at HKIS and am extremely passionate about teaching. I love math and history, and have grown up speaking Mandarin fluently. I am the oldest of three siblings, so I have been a role model and "teacher" for most of my life, and have much experience in working with kids.
Hong Kong International School
Hello! My name is Beatrice and I'm a Grade 12 student at Hong Kong International School. I genuinely love learning and want to share that with my students. I'm an avid baker and enjoy the creative process of whipping up delicious treats. I'm also passionate about gymnastics, golfing, and skiing - I find these active hobbies to be a great balance to my academic pursuits. I'm excited to be at Levitate as a tutor and share my knowledge and enthusiasm with students. Getting to know each student individually and helping them succeed is something I'm really looking forward to. Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'm happy to chat further!
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- Based on your request, we will match you with your ideal tutor. You will receive comprehensive details about the tutor, including their qualifications and experience, allowing you to assess their background and make an informed decision before moving forward.
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- We'll match you with a tutor. Your first lesson comes with a 100% money-back guarantee. You’ll only pay if you decide to continue with the tutoring sessions