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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
Hong Kong International School
Hi everyone! My name is Claire and I'm a junior currently studying at Hong Kong International School. I love humanities, and I enjoy science as well. Being at HKIS all my life, I can say that I understand the curriculum and the unique ways of teaching very well. Recently, through my job of being a TA, I have discovered the joy that comes with teaching; I love to help out, and I am more than willing to provide guidance and support to anyone who is looking for it. Besides academics, some other things that take up my time are my sport, which is swimming, and my hobbies, such as cooking and playing the piano! I treasure time with my friends and family, and I love exploring new restaurants around Hong Kong.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! I'm currently a junior studying at Hong Kong International School. I've been part of my school's Math and Science tutoring center for three years and can tutor almost all STEM subjects. I can also help with some humanities classes if needed, especially economics. I have quite a few hobbies, including reading, board games, and basketball. Overall, I'm really excited to guide you through any form of academic support you need!
University of California, Berkeley
Hi, my name is Jack. I grew up in Hong Kong, went to Chinese International School and am currently studying at the University of California, Berkeley. I have tutored English for the past 4 years, and have recently been working at the Athletic Study Centre at Berkeley, tutoring student-athletes. I am currently pursuing a double major in Political Science and Geography, and also speak fluent Mandarin. Outside of academics, I play rugby for the university and I also enjoy playing guitar.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! My name is Jasmine and I am currently a grade 11 student at HKIS. My favorite subjects are biology and math. I have been tutoring math and science within HKIS for a while now and have years of tutoring experience. Outside of class, I am currently leading the robotics club and our school's only STEM publication club. In my free time, I enjoy playing volleyball, playing piano, listening to music, and taking photos.
Hong Kong International School
Currently a Senior at Hong Kong International School, I am looking to pursue Public Policy and Political Science at University next year. My passion for education is in the realm of tutoring, where I've tutored students across numerous high level Humanities and STEM courses.
University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Hey there! My name is Daniel and I am a Year 3 Urban Studies major at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) with a minor in Counselling. As a graduate of the IBDP Class of 2022 and aspiring town planner, I have a strong foundation in both English and Human/Urban Geography, which I am passionate about sharing with my students. As a native Cantonese and English speaker, I am able to seamlessly form bonds and connect with both local and international students alike.
Bocconi University
I’m a third year college student at Bocconi University, majoring in economics and social sciences. I tutored for over 3 years and I love this fundamental relationship that helps all parties learn and grow. Outside of academics, I am fond of football, music and cinema.
University College London
Hi, my name is Jankin, I am a graduate from German Swiss International School and did the IB diploma for the past 2 years as well as the IGCSEs the previous 2 years. I will be attending University College London (UCL) this year. My strengths lay in Mathematics and Economics, which I am able to tutor for IB level or IGCSE level or below. I have had experience with tutoring Mathematics before and thoroughly enjoy helping students reach their highest potential. I am eager to help students achieve top grades through my notes and exercises.
Hong Kong International School
Hello! I'm Kate, a junior at HKIS. My specialty is in the humanities, but I can also help with STEM subjects. I also love the performing arts, participating in the jazz and school band as a saxophone player.
I’m a first-year undergraduate at UCLA. I graduated from the German Swiss International School, receiving a Bilingual (English-Mandarin) IB Diploma and excelling in Mathematics, Economics, and Chinese. I have developed a great passion across different disciplines, for example, architecture design, computational design, environmental science, and engineering. Outside of academics, I enjoy talking with different people, hanging out with friends, fencing, and creating new things.
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