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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
Hong Kong International School
Hello! I'm currently in the 11th grade at Hong Kong International School. My passions include entomology, creative writing, painting, and theatre. I'm involved in various clubs at my school as well as founding the Creative Writing Club and being an officer for our International Thespian Society troupe. I always want to alleviate the anxieties around different classes so that students can enjoy their experience at school and not feel too stressed. Every student needs a different approach to make sure the concepts are able to stick which is something I am keenly aware of when tutoring.
Hong Kong International School
Hey there! My name is Amin Kim and I'm currently a grade 9 student in the Hong Kong International School. My strongest points are math and science, and I've won the AMC8 math competition for my school in middle school. Outside of academics, I play rugby and golf for sports and know how to play the cello.
Northeastern University
Hello! I'm Alejandro, and I'm excited to connect with you. I'm currently an undergraduate student at Northeastern University majoring in Applied Physics, driven by a passion for problem-solving and numbers. Born in Tokyo, Japan, I moved to Hong Kong when I was 4 and studied at Hong Kong International School until I graduated in the year of 2024. Beyond academics, I love music and enjoy playing the trumpet in my spare time. I find it a great way to express creativity and unwind. I'm also an avid tennis player, which keeps me active and focused. I look forward to helping students at Stryv with their academic journey!
Hong Kong International School
Currently a sophomore at Hong Kong International School, I am a highly passionate and motivated student with a passion for STEM subjects (but I love Humanities too!). I am currently taking AP Chemistry, Honors Advanced Algebra, Honors Biology, and Humanities 2 in Action. Some of my hobbies include taking naps, baking, and reading, and as an MSC tutor in school, I have plenty of experience in working with my peers and helping them feel more confident with their skills. I am so excited to continue my tutoring journey at Stryv!
Hong Kong International School
Hello! I'm Estelle and am currently a high school senior at HKIS. I want to study statistics and public policy in the future. In school, I love when I get to help my peers understand concepts they struggled with and want to continue doing this outside of school as well through Stryv. Other than academics, I love to bake, dance (even though I'm bad at it), and drink boba!
Harvard College
Hi! I'm Isadora, a first year undergraduate at Harvard University where I am studying Economics. I'm passionate about sharing my love for learning with others through tutoring and have experience with the college admissions process, beginning levels of Italian, economics, and more. Outside of tutoring, I love to bake, read, workout and travel!
Harvard University
Hi! My name is Joie Lu and I'm a rising sophomore at Harvard University studying Environmental Science and Economics. I'm interested in combining social science with qualitative and quantitative data points and love learning about the different market dynamics of private environmental forces. I have two younger brothers, one who is 17 years old and one who is 8 years old, and a new puppy. In my free time, I love cooking or baking all kinds of cuisines and will always find time to go to a cafe and read a new science fiction book!
Hong Kong International School
Hi, I'm Angie and I'm currently in my senior year in HKIS. I'm looking to pursue biology in college, and I've taken courses such as AP human geography, AP language and composition, AP biology, and AP economics. In my free time besides academics, I enjoy drawing, golf, and connecting with my friends. I also love meeting new people and establishing new connections.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! I'm an HKIS alum currently on a gap year. Academically, I believe in an interdisciplinary approach, finding love in both STEM and humanities courses. Outside of school, I enjoy playing squash, crocheting, and knitting!
German Swiss International School
Hi there, I'm Evan Wai. I attend GSIS as a Y10 student right now. Maths is one of my strongest disciplines. I studied Olympiad mathematics and advanced mathematics. Among my accomplishments are my gold medals in the UKMT IMC and SMC. Additionally, I have been honing my math Olympiad abilities since I was in elementary school.I have what it takes to help your child become a very good maths student. Even though mathematics is my strongest subject, I can also teach other topics including science, English, and Chinese.
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