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Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors come from the world's leading universities, achieved top grades, and accumulated extensive tutoring experience.
Imperial College London
Hello! I am a French Physics student at Imperial College London. I lived in 5 countries (Japan, Italy, US, France, and UK) and love meeting new people. I speak French, English, Spanish, and a bit of Arabic. I graduated with an Honors Mention for the French Baccalaureate (18.09/20) - International Option. I also have a cooking diploma (cooking is both a profession and passion for me). I love teaching.
University of Hong Kong
Hey! I'm currently in my final year of university at the University of Hong Kong (HKU). I am pursuing a bachelor's in Economics and Finance, with a minor in Cognitive Science. I have been based in Hong Kong for the past 4 years, before which I completed my high school education in the IBDP curriculum in Seoul, South Korea. I am an avid reader and read over 100 books annually. I am a student academic advisor for incoming undergraduates at the HKU Business School and have been actively engaged in mentorship programs for my juniors. I enjoy hiking and meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds. I've been high school valedictorian for multiple consecutive years with full scores in mathematics, science, computers and social sciences.
French International School
I am a Grade 10 student at the French International School of Hong Kong studying the IGCSE curriculum. Originally from France, I have lived in Hong Kong my entire life. My favorite subjects have always been languages, of which I speak 4 (with emphasis on French and English). Outside of academics, I am an awarded Model United Nations delegate (for which I am director of my school's club) and a competitive volleyball player. I love helping students understand complicated subjects and gain confidence in what they are learning which is why I started tutoring. I enjoy working with students of all ages to help them achieve their full potential. Currently I am based in Causeway Bay, in the Wan Chai District.
University College London
I am a current first year at University College London (UCL) studying Biomedical Engineering. I have always had a passion of scientific pursuits and find myself particularly enjoying physics and its applications in real life context. I enjoyed an interdisciplinary boarding school education in the UK where I completed the IB diploma along with four years in an international school in Belgium. I enjoy playing tennis in my free time along with yoga and cooking.
Hong Kong International School
Hi there! I'm a senior at Hong Kong International School (HKIS), and I am passionate about economics and psychology. Some of my outside-of-school interests include dance, piano, and drawing. My experience with teaching and volunteering has sparked my interest in tutoring, and I want to provide guidance and support for students to grow and achieve academic excellence.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! I'm Martin, and I am currently in my last year in high school at Hong Kong International School. I am originally from Copenhagen, Denmark, and Beijing, China, but I have lived in Hong Kong for the last 9 years. I am very passionate about politics, history, and international relations. Furthermore, I am the leader of several clubs/organisations that relate to these subjects in and out of school. Some of my other interests include playing rugby at the HKIS varsity team and HKFC U18 squad, as well as surfing and hiking. My biggest goal at Levitate is to share my knowledge and help as many students as possible!
University of Southern California
Hi! I'm Quinton, a current full-tuition trustee (0.1%) and HKSAF scholar at the University of Southern California. Previously, I attended LPCUWC and Sha Tin College. I'm excited to help my students build confidence and competency in their academic achievement.
Hong Kong International School
Hi! I am currently a Grade 11 student at HKIS, where I have been studying for over ten years. Throughout my academic journey, I have gained experience in various subjects, including Humanities, Math, Science, and Chinese. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and helping others succeed in their studies. My hobbies include swimming, baking, painting, and skiing!
University of Hong Kong (HKU)
I am an enthusiastic tutor with a strong academic background in Computer Science, Physics and Statistics from The University of Hong Kong. With over two years of tutoring experience, I am committed to helping students excel in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science. My personalized approach ensures that I adapt to your unique learning style and pace. I simplify complex concepts, making them accessible and relatable. Together, we will build a solid foundation, develop critical thinking skills, and improve your academic performance.
Hong Kong international School
Currently a 12th grader attending Hong Kong International School. My favorite activities include playing basketball, badminton, and eating Cheetos. Learning passions extend to biology, chemistry, mathematics, and more!
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